

Astrology is more fixed as we are looking at ‘matter’ in the form of planets. There is a predictable and mathematical cycle to Astrology and it talks about probabilities of alignment, energetic opportunities and past life knowledge that is being revisited in this lifetime. Astrology is a tool for investigating both conscious and unconscious behaviours and patterns that influence your relationships and life experiences.

An Astrological birth chart is a map of a person’s life purpose laid out in coded language. A chart is derived from the arrangement of planets in the sky at the exact time you were born and the exact place you were born.

An astrology reading with me will help to clarify and articulate the pattern and give you clear direction as to how to work with it, heal it and take steps to begin to move beyond it.

My readings do not put you in a box and I will never give you the feeling that you are trapped or doomed by planetary influences. Everything in your chart is there to provide you with an opportunity to learn and grow during your journey of becoming more conscious and accepting yourself.

The consultation will even include certain remedies which I will suggest for you to do for the betterment of your future and to solve the issues or problems that you are facing.